Lords Of The Citadel vs White Sharks

Junior Under 12 - Game #2753

18 March 2023 - 19:15
Avenue du Lac 56, 7640 Peronnes, Belgium
Function Lic Name
Referee 20623 Parent Victor
Referee 20773 Godefroid Theo
Official Scorer 24353 Flamand Melanie
Timekeeper 23291 Steinier Pierre
Pos Nr Lic Name
GO6124344Halipre Alice
DF424044Lethe Cyril
DF724045Delveaux Esther (C)
DF1424758Jean-baptiste Emeric
FW1924336Gera Timeo (A)
FW6024345Halipre Martin (A)
CO21832Halipre Luc
Pos Nr Lic Name
GO723482Gougeon Gaspard
GO3923037Dubois Mathilde
DF223967Defossez Abel (A)
DF2122935Delneste Nathan
DF7420648Merchez Cosmo
DF7824144De Dier Alexandre
DF9924402Lauwers Nicolas
FW1423481Gougeon Jules
FW1624145De Dier Edouard
FW2222841Van Nieuwenhuyse Gaspard (C)
FW2323227Steinier Hugo
FW2923887Ottevaere Sasha
FW7723731Lynch Anatole
CO24041Gougeon Maxime
T120992Gallaix Timote